Biała koszula to ostatni nabytek z second-handu.
W sekcji DIY pod pędzel poszły sztyblety, które częściowo wymalowałem na złoto. Widać fashion shower z dello russo zrobił swoje ;)
P.S. Poniżej parę ujęć z Berlina.
fot. Marcin Opłatek
english: I was not convinced by tying a shirt around the waist. However a trip to Berlin allowed to fill myself with new ideas and update old habits. I think it's not the last time the shirt lands on my waist ;)
A white shirt is my last purchase from second-hand shop.
I DIY section I painted the boots, partly with acrylic paint. Evidently the fashion shower from dello russo did the job ;)
P.S. Below some photos from Berlin.
A white shirt is my last purchase from second-hand shop.
I DIY section I painted the boots, partly with acrylic paint. Evidently the fashion shower from dello russo did the job ;)
P.S. Below some photos from Berlin.
(Sebastian wearing white shirt second-hand, jacket, jeans and belt H&M, shirt Zara, shoes Intershoe + DIY)
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